Wataru Mukai
向井 航

Wataru Mukai
向井 航
(Photos: Tomáš Mačej )
マンハイム国立音楽舞台芸術大学修士課程作曲科及びベルン芸術大学修士課程Théâtre musicaにて研鑽を積む。
主な受賞歴に、第33回芥川也寸志サントリー作曲賞(23')、第8回クロアチア国際作曲コンクール "New Note"最年少優勝(19')、OgMB国際作曲コンクール(ミラノ)優勝(19')、メンデルスゾーン全ドイツ音楽大学コンクール(ベルリン)作曲部門独連邦大統領賞(17')、第86回日本音楽コンクール作曲部門第2位及び岩谷賞、第3回洗足現代音楽作曲コンクール オーケストラ部門第2位及び特別審査員賞、第29回ジークブルク市作曲コンクール第3位、第27回芥川作曲賞最終選考ノミネート、安宅賞(15')、アカンサス音楽賞(16')など。
作品は、サントリー財団主催サマーフェスティバル、ダルムシュタット夏期講習会2018、44th Samobor Music Festivalなどで取り上げられ、新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団、藝大フィルハーモニア、洗足学園ニューフィルハーモニック管弦楽団、アンサンブル室町、TonArt Sinfonie Orchester, Osnabrück Theater, International Ensemble Modern Academy, ensemble recherche等の国内外のオーケストラ/アンサンブルにより委嘱/演奏されている。
2023年2月に北千住BUoYにて、向井 航作曲個展「ドラァグの身体」開催、同演奏会が2023年度佐治敬三賞推薦コンサートに選抜。主な作品に「ダンシング・クィア オーケストラのための」(第33回芥川也寸志サントリー作曲賞受賞)、オペラ「NOMORI」など。
作曲をこれまでに大久保みどり、愛澤伯友、近藤譲、鈴木純明, Sidney Corbett, Simon Steen-Andersen、映像をPhilipp Ludwig Stangel, ピアノを稲田礼子、友清裕子、佐野隆哉の各氏に師事。宗次徳二海外派遣奨学生、クマ財団奨学生2期生および活動支援生。OeAD奨学生。
2019年10月よりローム・ミュージックファンデーションの支援を受け、2020年マンハイム国立音楽舞台芸術大学修士課程作曲科を最優秀の成績で卒業。同大学ポストグラデュエート課程(第三課程)作曲科及び修士課程電子メディア作曲科を経て、アントンブルックナー私立大学およびベルン芸術大学博士課程にてArtistic researchをおこなっている。ジェンダーやクィアをテーマに、ドキュメンタリーの手法を使ったミュージックシアターの研究に取り組んでいる。
Wataru MUKAI
Wataru MUKAI:
Composer and activist.
He is working on gender and queer themes and using documentary techniques in his music theatre research.
A native of Japan, WATARU MUKAI (b.1993) was first introduced to musical composition at the age of three, and began his first composition lessons in one of the Yamaha Music Programs one year later.
He also has composed for a variety of arts, such as movies and theatrical art.
He was awarded scholarships from the OeAD Stipendium(2021-2022), the Rohm music foundation(2019-2020), the Kuma foundation(2018-2019), 4th Japan Public-Private Partnership Student Study Abroad Program(2016-17), the Munetsugu-Tokuji music foundation(2016) and a full national scholarship at Tokyo university of the Arts/Geidai (2012-2014).
He gains several international awards: 33rd Yasushi Akutagawa Suntory Composition Award (23'), 1st Prize at International Composer's Competition OgMB(2nd prize was not awarded), 1st Prize at 8th International composer's competition "NEW NOTE" Croatia 2019, 2nd Prize and Jury's special award at 3rd Senzoku Contemporary Composition Competition (Orchestra department), 3rd at the 29th Siegburg Composition Competition, 2nd and Iwatani award(Audience award) at the 84th Music Competition of Japan, Finalist at the 27th Akutagawa Composition Award, 2nd prize at the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Conservatory competition 2018〈Electronics: Johnathan Schmieding〉, Impronta Edition Prize at 1st Impronta Ensemble Composition Competition 2019, Ataka music prize (2015) and Acanthus music prize (2016).
His works have been selected for the 44th Samobor Music Festival(Croatia), the Darmstadt International Summer Courses 2018(Germany) and the Suntory Hall Summer Festival 2017(Tokyo), Works performed and commissioned by ensembles/orchestras, notably New Japan Philharmonic, Geidai Philharmonic Orchestra, International Ensemble Modern Academy, TonArt Orchestra, Ensemble REAM, Tokyo Sinfonietta and Senzoku New Philharmonic Orchestra.
Wataru graduated at the top of his class from Tokyo university of the Arts/Geidai in 2016. He has studied composition with Midori Okubo, Shirotomo Aizawa, Jo Kondo and Jummei Suzuki, and studied at the Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts under professor of composition Sidney Corbett and Philipp Ludwig Stangl and at the Bern University of the Arts under professor of Stefan Wirth, Simon Steen-Andersen, Angela Körfer-Bürger. Wataru MUKAI is currently doing his doctorate at the Anton Bruckner Private University.
His PhD research involved the creation of a documentary music theatre based on field research in gay towns in different countries. Recent published works include 'Dancing Queer - for orchestra' (2022) (commissioned by Ensemble Free, to be premiered in September), a collection of politicians' and artists' discourses on queer people, based on the 2018 shooting at a gay club in Florida, USA. And the rape and then the cutting out of her tongue "Nakanai Tsubame" ("non-singing" swallows)" III (2022) (to be premiered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands), a protest against gender inequality and minority discrimination, based on the Greek mythological character Philomela, through music, his drag and feminist speeches.
(Photos: Tomáš Mačej )
Wataru MUKAI
Wataru MUKAI: Komponist, Darsteller.
Er wurde 1993 in Japan geboren. Er machte seinen Bachelor-Abschluss mit Auszeichung als Jahrgangsbester in Komposition an der Tokyo University of the Arts/GEIDAI (2016). Stipendien erhielt er von der Tokyo University of the Arts/GEIDAI (2012-15), der Tokuji Munetsugu Music Foundation (2016-17) , von dem Studienprogrammes Public-Private Partnership Student of Japan (2016-17), der Kuma Foundation(2018-2019) und von dem Rohm Musik Foundation(2019-2020). Er studierte außerdem bei Prof. Jo Kondo, Prof. Jummei Suzuki, Prof. Aizawa Shirotomo und bei Midori Okubo.
Mit seinem Werk “DANCING QUEER” für Orchester gewann Wataru 2023 den 33. Yasushi Akutagawa Suntory Composition Award. Außerdem erzielte er den 2. Platz und bekam eine Sonderauszeichunung von der Jury beim 3. Senzoku Contemporary Composition Competition (2015) der Orchester Division, den 3. Platz beim 29. Kompositionswettbewerbs der Kreisstadt Siegburg (2017), den 2. Platz und Iwatani Preis(Publikumspreis) beim 86. Music Competition of Japan (2017) in Komposition und Finalisten beim 27. Akutagawa Kompositions Orchester Preis (2017), Preis des Bundespräsidenten beim Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Hochschulwettbewerb 2018〈Elektronics: Johnathan Schmieding〉, und 1.Platz beim International Composer's Competition OgMB (2019).
07.2019, mit seinem Werk “Psi” für Grosses Ensemble gewann er den 1. Platz beim 8. International composer's competition NEW NOTE Croatia (2019).
Seine Werke wurden von zahlreichen Ensembles und Interpreten gespielt, unter anderem den Neues Philharmonieorchester Japan, Geidai Philharmonic Orchestra, Senzoku New Philharmonic Orchestra, Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie, TonArt Orchestra, Ensemble REAM, Tokyo Sinfonietta usw, ausserdem wurden seine Werke für das 44. Samobor Music Festival (Kroatien), die Darmstädter Ferienkurse 2018 (Deutschland) und das Suntory Hall Summer Festival 2017 (Japan) ausgewählt,
Seit 2016 studiert er den Master-Studiengang für Komposition an der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim bei Prof. Sidney Corbett und Prof. Philipp Ludwig Stangl, 2019 studierte er den Master-Studiengang für Théâtre musical an der Hochschule der Künste Bern bei Prof. Stefan Wirth, Prof. Simon Steen-Andersen, Prof. Angela Körfer-Bürger. Wataru MUKAI promoviert derzeit an der Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität.
(Fotos: Tomáš Mačej )
Oxen of the Sun (2014)
for English horn, Tuba and 3 groups Orchestra
[3033, 4230, 4perc, pf, strings + Tuba and E.hr. 11 min.]
EDEN (2014)
for Flute and Orchestra
[0222, 3120, 2perc, strings + Fl. 10 min]Apr.14'/Kanagawa
Cond. Nobutaka Masui, Orch. Senzoku New Philharmonic Orchestra.
Award: 2nd Prize and Jury's special award at 3rd Senzoku Contemporary Composition Competition
"and yes, I said yes, I will Yes." (2015)
for Orchestra
[3322, 4231, 5perc, hp, pf, cel, sax, strings 13 min. ] May.15'/Tokyo
Cond. Ken Takaseki, Orch.Geidai Philharmonic Orchestra
Award: Ataka prize
極彩色 ーPrinsessegade, 1440 (2016)
(Phosphene -Prinsessegade, 1440)
for Piano and Orchestra (2016)
[3332, 4231, 5perc, hp, strings +Piano 13 min.]Apr. 16'/Tokyo
Solo Pf. Shoichiro Tanaka, Cond. Ken Takaseki, Orch.Geidai Philharmonic Orchestra
Award: Acanthus music prize
Der lange gekochte Brokolli für Orchester
[2222, 4231, 2perc, strings]July 17'/Heidelberg
Cond. Knud Jansen Orch.TonArt Orchster
Commissioned by TonArt Heidelberg
茹ですぎブロッコリー Ⅱ (2019)
Der lange gekochte Brokolli Ⅱ für Orchester
[2200, 2220, E-Piano, Acc. Cl.-Gr. 2perc, strings 9min.]
Award: 1st Prize at International Composer's Competition OgMB
踊り子- Odori ko (2020)
[2222, 2200, Hp, 2perc, strings +Euph. 18min.]
Commission: HKB Hochschule der Künste Bern, Ayaka Sato
ダンシング・クィア (2022)
[2222, 4221, Pf, 4perc, strings +Solo 15min.]
Commission: Ensemble Free
Award: 33rd Yasushi Akutagawa Suntory Composition Award.
Grand Chamber
〜3群金管アンサンブルと尺八の為の〜 (2012)
(Fanfare for Shakuhachi and 3 groups brass ensemble)
[0000, 3441, 3perc, +Shakuhachi 3min]Sep. 12'/Tokyo
Select: Geidai Arts Summit 2012
Solo Shaku.KeizanTanabe, Tokyo Geidai Students
for Alto flute and Chamber orchestra (2014)
[0111, 1111, 1perc, pf, 11111 +Alto fl. 9min]June 14'/Tokyo
Solo Fl. Momoko Tamura, Tokyo Geidai Students
für Soprano und Ensemble (2017)
[1011, 1110, 2perc, Harp, +Sop. 7min]Sep.17'/Osnabrück
Osnabrück Theather
Commission: Osnabrück Theather
Ohne Titel
für Emsemble (2017)
[1111, 1110, perc, pf, 11110 7min ]Des. 17'/Frankfurt
Ensemble Modern Academy
für Grosses Ensemble (2018)
[1111, 1100, perc, pf, 11110 12min ]Apr. 18'/Wiesbaden
Ensemble Modern Academy
Commission: Ensemble Modern Academy
Psi (rev. 2019)
[1111, 1110, perc, pf, 11111 12min ]Oct. 19'/Samobor
Cantus Ensemble
Award: 1st Prize at 8. International composer's competition NEW NOTE - Croatia 2019.
そして君が目を覚まして "... Und wenn du aufwachst..." (2020)
[Für Brass Band 8min ]Sep. 20'/Bern
Schweizer Armee
鳴かないツバメ Elle ne chante plus, l'hirondelle (2021)
[for 4 Singers and Baroque Orchester 8min ]Dez. 21'/Tokio
Commission: Ensemble Muromachi
不死鳥 (2022)
[for Koto Solo, and String orchester 20 min ]Sep. 22'/Tokio
Commission: Koto- Koto no kai
Chamber music
Darstellung (2012)
[Fg, Pf ]May 13'/Tokyo
Chaos (2013)
[Female voice, Sampler 6min]Oct.13'/Tokyo
In Paradisum (2013)
[Koto, Sho, Vla, Vc 7min]Sep.13'/Tokyo
天地の (2013)
[Koto and voice, Sho, Vla, Vc 10min]
GRAVITY (2013)
[Shakuhachi, Shamisen, pf 7min]
Commission: Keizan Tanabe
Concerto da camera for Contrabass and 5 instruments (2014)
[Cb solo, Rec, B.cl, 2Vc, Cemb 12min]Nov.14'/Tokyo
水潦 (2014)
[2Koto, Shakuhachi 11min] Sep.14'/Tokyo
Commission: Den 3
Calling (2014)
[2Trb, Pf 7min] Aug.14'/Hokkaido
Commission: Eishun Onosaka
交錯する視線の先に (2015)
(Intersecting Visions)
[2Trb, Pf 10min]Mai.15'/Tokyo
Commission: New Generation Art Festival
Nausicaa (2015)
[Sop, Fl, Fg, Vn, Vc, Perc, Electronics 13min]Nov.15'/Tokyo
(Aya for Schakuhachi ensemble)
[12shakuhachi 11min]Sep.15'/Tokyo
Commission: Eizan Takikita
Oxen of the Sun Ⅱ (2015)
[Sop, Rec, Euph, Vc, 2Perc 11min]Oct.15'/Tokyo
Award: 4th at the 86th Music Competition of Japan
極彩色 Ⅰ-2 (2016)
(Phosphene Ⅰ-2)
[Fl, Pf, Vc, 6min]July.16'/Rome
尺八三本のための「綾 Ⅱ」(2016)
(Aya Ⅱ for 3 Schakuhachis )
[3shakuhachi 10min]Oct.16'/Rome
Commission: Eizan Takikita
Nausicaa Ⅲ (2016)
[Sop, Fl, Vc, Piano 9.5min]
交錯する視線の先に Ⅱ (2017)
(Intersecting Visions 2)
[Cl, 2Vn, Vc, Piano 7min]Oct.17'/Budapest
Award: Impronta Edition Prize at 1st Impronta Ensemble Composition Competition 2019
Publish: Impronta
bin der...(2017)
[2Sop, Koto, Bass-Fl, Acc, Perc 12min]Oct.17'/Tokyo
Cond. Tadakuni Kokaji, Ensemble REAM
Award: 2nd and Iwatani award(Audience award) at the 84th Music Competition of Japan
Embed (2018)
[Sop, Vc , Tape 11min]Jan.18'/Berlin
Award: 2nd prize at the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Conservatory competition 2018
私をXXXしてください Ⅰ-Ⅱ(2018)
(Bitte xxx mich Ⅰ-Ⅱ)
[3 Perc, 7min]July 18'/Darmstadt
Select: Darmstädter Ferienkurse 2018
Bin der...Ⅱ (Schmelzhaft ≠ Giftig)(2018)
[Bass Fl, Cl, Gr, Acc, 8min]July 18'/Darmstadt
Select: Darmstädter Ferienkurse 2018
[Shaakuhachi, StringsQuartet 8min]Oct. 18'/Yokosuka
Commission: Dozan Fujiwara, the Steude Quartet
(Berlin for Schakuhachi ensemble) March 19'/Fukuoka
[Shakuhachi solo, 10shakuhachi 11min]
Commission: Eizan Takikita
初恋の (2019)
(Hatsukoi no)
[8 Koto(13gen), 4 Koto(17gen), 4Shamisen 11min]Mai 19'/Tokyo
Commission: Morino-kai (Tokyo university of the Arts/Geidai)
Psi Ⅳ (2019)
[Cl, 2Vn, Vla, Vc 8min]Aug. 19'/Budapest
雪国 (2020-21)
[KOto Solo, 8 Koto(13gen), 4 Koto(17gen), 4Shamisen 11min]Dez. 21'/Tokyo
Commission: Satomi Fukami
おどりこ-Odoriko Ⅱ(2021)
[for Euph, Pf 10 min ]Sep. 21'/Tokyo
Commission: Rohm Music Foundation
鳴かないツバメ Elle ne chante plus, l'hirondelle Ⅱ(2022)
[for Soprano, rec, 2ob, fg, Org, String quartet 10 min ]Jan. 22'/Mannheim
Commission: Ayano Hirazawa
鳴かないツバメ Elle ne chante plus, l'hirondelle Ⅲ (2022)
[for Soprano, rec, cemb. 10 min ]Juni. 22'/Amsterdam
Commission: Hidehiro Nakamura
鳴かないツバメ Elle ne chante plus, l'hirondelle Ⅲ (rev. 2023)
[for Soprano, rec, cemb, Euph 10 min ]Feb. 23'/Tokio
I swear… (2014)
[Pf 7min]July 14'/Tokyo
Falling (2014)
[Pf 6min]Jan. 15'/Tokyo
Commission: Nana Shimomura
in the shelter (2016)
[Pf 7min]Des 16'/Mannheim
Graue Nacht, Dunkle Blume (2017)
[fl 7min]Oct 17'/Bon
Award: 29th Siegburg Composition Competition
Hikari for Cello
[Vc 17min]March 19'/Tokyo
Commission: Kei Yamazawa
Psi Ⅲ (2019) for Percussion solo
[Perc, Electro, Video 12min]Oct.19'/Karlsruhe
Commission: Shingo Takase
Psi Ⅴ (2019) for Oboe solo
[Oboe 8min]Dez.19'/Mannheim
ラス・メニーナスによる (2020)
Las Meninas for Cello
[Vc 7min]Feburary 20'/Tokyo
Commission: Kei Yamazawa
Bleibt Besonnen, seid Wachsam! (2020)
[Perc 8min]Mai.20'/Freiburg
Commission: ensemble recherche
ひかり Ⅱ -リコーダーソロのための-(2021)
Hikari Ⅱ for Recorder
[Rec. 6 min]Jan 21'/Kahlsruhe
Commission: Solange Komenda
Psi Ⅲ 《Kafka - Trans》(2021) for Percussion solo and Video
[Perc, Electro, Video 9min]Juli.21'/Basel
Commission: Tomohiro Iino
零 - Rei (2021) for Shakuhachi solo
[Shakuhachi solo 9min]
Commission: Eizan Takikita
一粒の麦が、もし地に落ちて - " Wenn das Weizenkorn nicht in die Erde fällt ... " (2021)
for Piano solo Aug. 21'/Kyoto, JP
[Piano solo 10 min]
Commission: Rohm Music Foundation
Love is Love (2022)
[Euphonium solo and Video 10 min] Sep. 22'/Tokyo JP
Commission: Ayaka Sato
ダルムシュタット・テクノ Darmstadt Techno (2023)
[Piano solo 7min]
Commission: Shizuok University
Haruka (2幕) (2019)
(Haruka (2. Akts) (2019))
[Sop. solo, 2ob, cl, hr, trb, pf, perc, vla, vc, Electro, Video 60min]Jan 19'/Mannheim
Haruka-Haruka Okazaki/Ensemble "Haruka Projekt" Mannheim
Sayo (2019)
[Solist, Alt Sax, cb, Electro, Video 15min]March 19'/Tokyo
...Si... (2019)
[Performer, Electro, Video 7min]June 19'/Bern
OPER 「NOMORI」 (2023)
[Sop. C-Ten, Tenor, Bass und Performer, Fl, Fg, Euph, Vn, Vla, Vc, Rec, Cemb, Electro, Video 45min]Feb. 23'/Tokio
May 2024
[Opera premiere]
New queer drag opera “the Mirror of Nomori“, an operaexpanded with additional episodes from last year's NOMORI at the Kitasenju BUoY, Tokyo will premiere at the TheaterArche in Vienna. The performance will take place on June 1-2, 2024, just in time for Pride Month. :)
Opera "The Mirror of Nomori"
① June 1,2024, 20:00-.
② June 2, 2024, 14:00-.
@TheaterArche Vienna
Münzwardeingasse 2, 1060 Vienna
MUSIC, TEXT: Wataru Mukai
MUSICAL DIRECTOR: Taichi Hiratsuka
DIRECTED by Miharu Sato
DRAMATURGY: Takuya Maehara
STAGE DESIGN: Nathalie Noël
LIGHTING: Jakub Kavin
Max Bell (Bitti), Noriyuki Kubo (Kitti), RisaMatsushima (Sissi), Valentin Trandafir (Titti) Wataru Mukai (Demon), Fábio Coutinho (Leader), Fort Nahoko(Dancer), NOMORI Chamber Orchestra
NOH MEETS DRAGQUEEN - Following the successful prototype Nomori in Tokyo, the world premiere of Wataru Mukai's queer drag opera The Mirror of Nomori will take place in Vienna. The play is based on the Noh theater Nomori, which is about the mysterious mirror of the demon, with which one can see everything on earth, in heaven and in hell. The characters belong to a double minority: LGBTQ+ and sex workers. Every day, they ask themselves an existential question: Why was I born? To answer this question, they search for the “Mirror of Nomori”...
https://www.theaterarche.at/events/the-mirror-of-nomori-gastspiel-382/作曲個展「ドラァグの身体」 (2023)
Feb. 2023
向井 航 作曲個展『ドラァグの身体』
ひかり (2019)
鳴かないツバメ Ⅲ (2022)
Love is Love (2022)
Nausicaa (2015)
オペラNOMORI (2023)
向井 航 作曲/パフォーマンス
岡崎 陽香 ソプラノ
久保 法之 カウンターテナー
村田 晃一 テノール
奥秋 大樹 バス
中村 栄宏 リコーダー
石川 友香理 チェンバロ
田村 桃子 フルート
中田 小弥香 ファゴット
佐藤 采香 ユーフォニアム
白小路 紗季 ヴァイオリン
有冨 萌々子 ヴィオラ
北嶋 愛季 チェロ
浦部 雪 指揮
制作助手/コレペティ 田中真緒
音響 島村幸宏
照明 植村真
映像 小山田恵太
ドラァグ監修 Moche Le Cendrillon
衣装/メイク 橋本優美
カメラマン Ryoma Tsukamoto
フライヤーデザイン 土肥紗也子
Dancing Queer (2022)
Augst. 2023
会場:サントリーホール 大ホール
撮影:池上直哉 提供:サントリーホール
Take a look and enjoy!
ダンシング・クィア DANCING QUEER (2022)
Dancing Queer (2022)
Comp. Wataru MUKAI
Premiered/commissioned by Ensemble Free EAST
Conductor: Ryosuke Asano
Narrator: Ito Shiozawa
Saturday 17 September 2022 Suginami Main Hall
作曲: 向井 航
初演/委嘱 アンサンブル・フリーEAST
指揮: 浅野亮介
語り手: 塩澤 糸
2022年9月17日(土) 杉並公会堂大ホール
Elle ne chante plus, l'hirondelle 鳴かないツバメ(2021)
委嘱: アンサンブル室町
for 4 Singers and Ensemble 8min ]Dez. 21'/St. Marien, Tokio
Commission: Ensemble Muromachi
and yes I said yes, I will Yes (2014)
3. Sogakudo Morning concerto
@ sougakudo Musiksaal in JAPAN
指揮 高関健
Dirigieren: Ken Takaseki
Orchester: Geidai Philharmonia
Be sure to listen to my pieces!!
SOUND CLOUDで作品を公開しています。
Check the music video, first!!
CD "innocence"の宣材動画です。東京でのレコーディング風景を動画にして頂きました。
Preis: 26.99 Euro
Label: Fabtone Records, Tokio 2018
Bestellnummer: HMPY001
Erscheinungstermin: 28.03.2018
価格: 3,240円
商品番号: HMPY001
リリース日付: 28.03.2018
Piano/Composition: WATARU MUKAI
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